What Are North Carolina’s Workers’ Compensation Laws?
In North Carolina, workers’ compensation laws apply to individuals who are injured while engaged in employment and within the scope of their work. To be eligible for workers’ compensation, the injury must be the result of an accident rather than an illness or disease unless it is an occupational disease.
Workers’ compensation is a complex area of law in North Carolina, navigating it to ensure you get full and fair compensation benefits often requires the help of a
workers’ comp lawyer.
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What Are Examples Of Injuries Covered Under North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Law?
Workers can sustain a wide range of injuries affecting different parts of their bodies, including the back, neck, feet, and hands. These injuries can occur due to falls, lifting heavy objects, or other work-related incidents. As long as the injury falls within the scope of their employment, workers are generally eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.
Fortunately, North Carolina follows a strict liability approach, meaning that workers can still recover benefits even if they are responsible for their own injury or if someone else caused the injury. Unlike in , fault does not need to be proven for workers to receive compensation.
However, it is important to note that workers’ compensation does not provide compensation for pain and suffering. Compensation primarily stems from the inability to work, and if a worker is unable to return to work due to their injury, they may be entitled to a lump sum settlement or ongoing payments.
How Long After An Accident Do I Have To Report It To My Employer?
According to the law, you have a two-year window to report an accident to your employer. While it is advisable to report the accident as soon as possible, the statute of limitations for workers’ compensation cases allows for a two-year reporting period.
However, it is important to be aware that insurance companies may contest claims reported closer to the deadline.
What Kind Of Medical Treatment Can I Get With Workers’ Compensation?
The type of medical treatment you can receive under workers’ compensation depends on the nature of your injury. Regardless of the injury, you are entitled to treatment specific to that injury.
My Employer And Their Insurance Company Have Denied My Workers’ Compensation Claim Or Benefits. What Should I Do?
If either your employer or their insurance is dragging their feet or has denied your claim outright, you should contact a
lawyer near you with experience handling workers’ compensation claims.
A workers’ comp lawyer will be able to provide guidance, assess the details of your case, and help you navigate the process effectively to protect your rights and potentially challenge the denial of benefits. One with local experience in Charlotte or nearby North Carolina will be even better placed to help, as they will be familiar with local officials, insurers, employers, and regulations.
However, the longer you wait to contact one, the less likely it is they will be able to help!
Reach Out To A Charlotte, North Carolina, Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Near You
Whether you simply have a question about preparing your workers’ compensation claim after a workplace injury or are struggling with an uncooperative insurer or unjust employer, it is always a good idea to consult a nearby workers’ comp lawyer.
Here in Charlotte, North Carolina, The Emory Law Firm can represent you throughout the process, guide your claim and fight for it in court if needed to ensure you get the compensation you need. Set up an
initial consultation online or call our offices directly to set up a meeting at
(704) 324-8500.